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They had it all

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Jun 24, 2010 04:10 PM |

I like to remind my younger peers that technology does not show a steady progression pattern. In the past we can see long forgotten examples of ideas were not only ahead of their time, but that are still ahead of our own. PLATO was such a thing.

In the 70's they had social media, collaborative editing, wide-area multi-user games, hypertext, instant-messaging and e-mail. And they had it in graphic terminals that showed pictures we would not be able to see on a desktop computer until the mid-80s.

They had it all.


Eu brinquei com o Plato

Posted by at Sep 12, 2010 09:46 PM
Quando estudei nos EUA em 1981 eu brinquei com um terminal Plato em duas ocasiões, uma vez na University of Illinois em Urbana-Champaign, e outra vez na Southern Illinois University. Era chocante. Lembro de ter jogado um joguinho de guerra naval que exercitava frações com um menido que estava no Havaí. Tinha também um jogo em que você montava frases tipo "o gato saltou a casa" e aparecia uma animação do que vocẽ escreveu.