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The unbearable kludginess of Windows

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Jun 12, 2009 07:45 PM |

That's another one for the "a picture is worth a thousand words" series. When I read Zombie Operating Systems and ASP.NET MVC, I couldn't believe it could be that bad. Then I started Windows 7 on a VM and checked it out.

This is what I got:

Windows "special" magical filenames that can't be used

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Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Jun 02, 2009 03:35 PM |

I seldom do this - just embedding a video - without an article around it, but the subtitles say everything I could ever hope to say.

You can find the original here.

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An obvious answer and why I still won't switch to Mac

There was one nagging thought that was lurking in my brain while I wrote my last post that finally condensed into a fully-formed idea: you should use the platform that has everything the platform you develop for has.

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Embaraçoso, parte 2

Mais um capítulo interessante na saga em que se transformou o desastrado viral que a Wunderman (foram eles mesmo?) fez para a Dell com a música de "Dança do Créu": Agora a versão modificada, que eu linkei no último post, saiu do ar de vez.

Do primeiro eu guardei o .flv. Desse não deu tempo.


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