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Limpeza étnica de web-sites

Quem me conheçe sabe que eu não tenho a Microsoft em alta conta. Para mim é dificílimo imaginar a empresa atuando como uma corporação responsável ou de qualquer forma que incentive a prática de altos padrões morais. Para mim, eles são mais um sinônimo de competição predatória e irresponsável.

Mas esse não é o ponto desse post

Imagem e publicidade

A moldagem de mensagens publicitárias para um determinado público-alvo pode se tornar um problema espinhoso muito facilmente e qualquer iniciativa nesse sentido deve ser considerada com muito, muito cuidado. Foi por isso que eu me surpreendi com uma discussão no Hacker News que mostrava dois links para páginas correspondentes em sites da Microsoft, uma delas nos Estados Unidos, outra na Polônia. As imagens das páginas foram, desde então, igualadas, mas eu deixo aqui um retrato de como elas estavam hoje à tarde.

Primeiro a página da matriz:

Microsoft - Produtividade versão EUA

E, em seguida, a versão polonesa da mesma página:

Microsoft - Produtividade versão Polônia

Eu preciso admitir que mesmo não usando mais os produtos da empresa, ela continua me dando, se não alegrias, motivo para riso.

Adendo: Eu não tinha visto isso quando escrevi o post:

Você precisa seguir o link.

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I really want to like Apple

Posted by Ricardo Bánffy at Jul 27, 2009 01:25 PM |

I do. Seriously.

I loved my Apple IIs passionately. I love my Macintosh collection (from SE to Bondi-blue iMac). While not being a heavy Mac user, I keep a Mac on my desk as a second computer to my main computer (a netbook running Linux because I like carrying it around, because it's cheap and because I like Linux better than OSX for work), I still like Apple's products and recommend them when I feel it's appropriate. For instance, when my then fiancée wanted a new notebook, I convinced her she would be happy with a Macbook, and so she is. She even married me after that.

But I don't think Apple loves me. Or, by the way, any of their lovers.

One cable

Some time ago, I bough an iPod Touch. I was about to build an application for it, and, so, I needed one. I quickly fell in love with it as a media player as well as a über-PDA with web access. At the time, there was no iPhone SDK and the project was canned, but, by then, I already liked the iPod pretty much. The cancellation was also fine by me because, while Objective-C is a much better idea than C++, being better than C++ doesn't say that much. Still, I kept the iPod and soon listening to audio podcasts became part of my morning routine as much as watching the video ones became a lifesaver when our weekly air-traffic-control meltdown left me stranded on some small airport with no wireless access.

So, it was only natural for me to buy a cable to hook it up to my TV.

Despite the size of Brazil's consumer market, there are no Apple Stores here. Many people attribute this, along with what appears to be active sabotage by Apple, to its deep hatred for the only country that had a company that dared to attempt to produce a Mac-compatible computer (that's one ugly story). fortunately, there are some companies who decided they would try to cater to the unrequited love Apple turned its corporate back on and build the stores themselves. So, I went to the next best thing: the local "a2you" chain of stores and got myself a composite cable.

It worked beautifully.

I mean... The user interface is really horrid for playing videos and watching them from the couch. Unless your videos happen to be long enough, you will have to play each one from the iPod itself. There appears to be no video playlist thingie anywhere on the iPod. Audio went just fine, but not video.

Then I got involved in another project involving podcasts.

So, the time came for me to update the iPod's software. It is a first-gen iPod Touch that came with 1.0 software (update to 1.1.5, if I remember correctly), so I created an account on the iTunes store and downloaded the software. OS 3 is a nice improvement over 2.x and is a huge improvement over the 1.x I was running. It's not as snappy as the 1.x (it really seems built for the "S" iPhones) but it's bearable.

But it had one unwelcome side effect: my composite cable no longer works.

DRM (as in Digital Restrictions Management)

I mean, it does, then it doesn't.

It's not a cable problem. It worked flawlessly with 1.x. It still works on 1.x units.

The problem seems to be the software. It, apparently checks if the cable is made by Apple and then, in the middle of the playback (just demonstrating the cable works perfectly), it freezes the video and spits a "This accessory is not compatible with this iPod" or something like it. Well... It's a cable! How incompatible with something can a cable be? Is it a DRM issue? Is it built-in for future HD iPods to render cables that do not provide copy-protection useless? It's an analog cable! The lowest-quality one! Who would consider using it for piracy? And to pirate what? TED lectures? Episodes of Cranky Geeks? Conference presentations? It's much easier just to rip the DRM off the original file (and there are many automated tools for that).

This and the recent Amazon Kindle problem - Jeff Bezos can apologize as much as he wants, the ability to remove content you already purchased is still there and can be abused anytime Amazon feels like breaking promises - got me really weary of DRM. Even for single-purpose devices I buy for a single purpose, a software update can break the hardware I already own, even something as simple as a cable. It's not my device if Apple can do things like this with it. I may possess it, but, in reality, it belongs to, and obeys, Apple. If Apple decides to brick it, bricked it will be.

Then, there is also the shady process Apple uses to approve applications. It's not in the best interest of their customers to Apple to have a stranglehold on applications for the platform. I understand they want quality control, but customers may want to circumvent that control for their own uses. Or because they have different ideas about quality.

Defective by Industrial Design

You know... The Apple tablet the Financial Times seems to have confirmed today looks sweet. I would love to play with it. I would even consider buying one, but I won't. The point is, as much as I like Apple's attention to detail, its outstanding industrial design, I can't justify buying a product that's not really mine. Call me spoiled, but using stuff like Linux made me feel I am really in control. The netbook is mine, and nobody will make my computer do something I don't approve. If it ceases to work, it will be my fault.

So, if Apple would please unbreak their software ecosystem in a way it doesn't actively try to screw its customers, I may consider buying a tablet (or an iPhone or even another iPod touch for the day this one dies).

But recovering the trust I had on their attention to their customers will take some time.

An Interesting Update

I must confess I did not search the web (or Apple's forums) before either upgrading or buying the cable (that one was not my fault, as it worked by the time it was purchased and stayed that way until a couple days ago), but, because someone reminded me I could do that, I googled for it and found this:

So, at least now I know I am not alone with my cable problems. And, finally, I am convinced it's not a cable problem and not a connector problem, but a vendor selection problem.

Also, for some time, a lively discussion about it, and, perhaps, my scientific method, happened here:

Hacker News (the site at is considered a Troll-free zone and I wish it to remain so. Please, if you want to participate there, mind your manners and read and obey the guidelines.

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Embaraçoso, parte 2

Mais um capítulo interessante na saga em que se transformou o desastrado viral que a Wunderman (foram eles mesmo?) fez para a Dell com a música de "Dança do Créu": Agora a versão modificada, que eu linkei no último post, saiu do ar de vez.

Do primeiro eu guardei o .flv. Desse não deu tempo.


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Eu quase nunca fico sem palavras.

Hoje eu recebi o link do que eu suponho seja um comercial da Dell. Comerciais não são baratos. Normalmente têm uma agência de publicidade, uma produtora e dezenas, se não centenas, de pessoas envolvidas e alguém, supostamente competente, para assinar o gordo cheque.

Eu queria dizer a todos os envolvidos nesse comercial que eu posso até continuar comprando equipamentos da Dell, mas que eu preferiria nunca ter visto essa abominação.

Adendo 1 (de 6 de maio): Curioso esse negócio de internet. A Dell, em silêncio depois de uma enxurrada de críticas, tirações de sarro e todo tipo de porrada por toda a blogosfera, resolveu mudar a música. O vídeo continua exatamente o mesmo, mas a música... quanta diferença.

E estou particularmente chocado com os publicitários que permitiram que essa peça visse a luz do dia. Coisas assim deveriam ser enterradas em blocos de concreto, junto com a pessoa que teve a idéia.

É isso... A Microsoft gasta rios de dinheiro com campanhas tentando provar que tudo bem não ser descolado o bastante para usar um Mac e aí vem a Dell e estraga tudo com um viral desses. É o equivalente PC das "duas garotas e um copo".

Adendo: Para os realmente bravos, ainda há uma versão em inglês:

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